The Elusive Pocket Gold of Southwest Oregon
Gold Panner's Guide to South Dakota
Finding Pocket Gold in California's Klamath Mountains
The Gold Panner's Guide to Idaho
The Gold Panner's Guide to the Oregon Coast
There's Gold in Them Thar Hills
Gem Trails of Oregon
Roadside Geology to Oregon, Second Edition
Mines and Mineral Resources of Siskiyou County, California
Mines and Mineral Resources of Amador County, California
MInes and Mineral Resources of Shasta County Siskiyou County Trinity County Cali
Geology and Mineral Resources of Douglas County
Geology and Mineral Resources of Josephine County
Guide to Geology and Lore of the Wild Reach of the Rogue River, OR
Mines and Prospects of Mount Rueben Mining District
Gold Mining in Eastern Oregon
Metal Mines of NorthEast Oregon
Mines of the Greenhorn Mining District Grant County
The Gold Fields of Eastern Oregon
The Gold Belt of the Blue Mountains of Oregon
Metal Mines of Douglas, Coos and Curry Counties
Metal Mines of Josephine County
Mines and Prospects of Oregon